Plastic Waste Management In Australia – Strategies To Decrease Plastic Waste

Plastic Waste Management In Australia - Strategies To Decrease Plastic Waste

Globally, 90 billion tons of fundamental materials are harvested and utilized annually for the production of plastics. 9 percent is recycled, which has economic, social, environmental, and health consequences.

A ban on exporting Australia’s garbage necessitates quick change to develop a successful waste sector, deliver new industries and jobs, and prevent plastic pollution from contaminating our land and oceans.

How is Australia’s Plastic Waste managed? This is how:

Reduce, reuse, and then recycle are the 3Rs– Examining ways to reduce daily use of single-use plastics is of the utmost importance. Therefore, utilizing a shopping bag, refusing a straw, bringing a reusable coffee cup, and only purchasing loose fruits and vegetables are encouraged.

REDcycle’s Soft Plastics recycling system-In Australia, you can drop off clean soft plastics at the majority of supermarkets. These plastic packaging in Australia are subsequently utilized to manufacture park furniture, garden supplies, and high-quality asphalt.

Sustainable product packaging-Some Australian business owners have switched from plastic packaging in Australia to eco-friendly/biodegradable packaging in an effort to reduce plastic waste.

plastic packaging in Australia

Now let’s examine how you can assist:

Do not purchase water-Approximately 20 billion plastic bottles are discarded annually. Carry a reusable bottle in your bag, and you will never again be forced to rely on Poland Spring or Evian. If you’re concerned about the quality of the tap water in your area, search for a model with an integrated filter.

Avoid using microbeads-The tiny plastic scrubbers present in so many cosmetic products — facial scrubs, toothpaste, and body washes — may appear harmless, but their small size allows them to bypass water-treatment plants. Unfortunately, they resemble food to some marine organisms. Instead, use products containing natural exfoliants, such as oatmeal or salt.

Cook additional food-In addition to being healthier, cooking your own meals eliminates the need for takeout containers and doggy bags. When ordering in or dining out, inform the establishment that you do not require plastic utensils; for bonus credit, bring your own food storage containers to restaurants for leftovers.

Purchase secondhand things-Especially new toys and electrical devices are packaged in a variety of plastics, from difficult-to-open shells to twist ties. Search the shelves at thrift stores, garage sales in your town, and online listings for products that are just as good when used. You will also save a few dollars.

Which plastic is the most eco-friendly?

Sometimes, plastic is an absolute necessity.

BPA-free plastic is a superior substitute for conventional plastics. BPA-free plastic bags are safer than conventional plastic bags. They will not leak toxic substances into meals. You should avoid buying things packaged in single-use containers. Additionally, avoid anything wrapped with polystyrene foam. If you wish to go even further, you can cease purchasing Styrofoam entirely.

That’s all there is to it. By following the aforementioned steps, you may help reduce plastic waste and contribute to a cleaner, better Earth.